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I own a Mac. Can I use ViaTalk?

Yes, you can use a Mac with our service. ViaTalk's Control Panel will function in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer.

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Can I use my VoIP phone with ViaTalk?

Yes, our services are set up to function with SIP compliant VoIP phones. Please be sure that your...

Where can I get a ViaTalk telephone adapter?

During the signup process the option to receive our provisioned hardware is selected by...

When will my ViaTalk hardware arrive?

Your ViaTalk hardware should arrive within 3 to 5 days from the date it was shipped, depending...

Can I use a phone adapter from another Broadband Phone Company with ViaTalk phone service?

As long as the equipment is not locked to your previous provider, yes, you may use another...

Can I use my regular home telephone with ViaTalk?

While some Internet phone providers make you purchase a special VoIP phone, ViaTalk does not....

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